Our classes are thoughtfully curated to support and sustain a diverse population, with diverse purpose.

Bhakti Flow

A DEVOTIONAL practice rooted in traditions of the heart. flow + Mantra + pranayama + philosophy.

Lunar Flow

A Hatha style flow. Grounding + Stabilizing.
Mindful Alignment + mobility focused.

Solar Flow

A Vinyasa style flow. Awakening + Empowering. heat + strength focused.


Our house flow. A well balanced set sequence. Dependable + Adaptable. Highly effective.


A relaxing Earthbound EXPERIENCE. Reflective + spacious. Soft + sustainability focused.


An immersive sensory experience. Resonant + nourishing. Meditative + healing focused.

the studio is generously equipped with a variety of high quality props to ACCOMMODATE and Enhance your experience. We are a non-performative, trauma conscious, container for self exploration and community connection.

all levels welcome

come as you are

take what you need

all levels welcome • come as you are • take what you need •

presence lives here. where the heart is.